Support provided by the municipality to investors

Incentives, which are available to business entities and natural persons at the local and RS level, contribute to better functioning of the economy, especially in crisis conditions. We offer investors numerous advantages when investing and obtaining all the necessary permits and documents, which significantly facilitates investment and the start of a successful business.

Subsidies for the employment of new workers from the area of the municipality of Stanari.

  • That they are registered to perform activities in the territory of the Tenants municipality
  • To regularly settle tax and contribution obligations, in accordance with the law,
  • If the person for whom the subsidy is requested is unemployed,
  • That bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings have not been initiated or opened against him,
  • That they do not have a loss shown in the financial report,
  • Not to employ persons whose employment with the same employer has ended in the last year,
  • That the applicant has not deregistered and re-registered any activity in the last 3 years,
  • That the person for whom the subsidy is requested resides in the territory of the Stanari municipality for at least 6 months before the moment of establishing the employment relationship and for the duration of the period of 48 months,
  • That the employer must hire at least 10 new employees
    Subsidy in the amount of 10,000 KM for the employment of unemployed persons with higher education
    Subsidy in the amount of 6,000 KM for employment of unemployed persons with SSS/VKV/KV/NK
  • For people with disabilities, the incentive amount is increased by 30%
  • Subsidies to the employer for new employment are remitted upon hiring the employee in the amount of:
    • 30% of approved funds,
    • 20% after 6 months,
    • 30% after 12 months,
    • 20% after 18 months