According to the ecological-vegetational rezoning of BiH, the Stanari municipality is located in the Pripanonian region, that is, in the northern Bosnian region. In the pedological sense, it is an extremely heterogeneous area, both from the aspect of pedogenetic factors, and from the aspect of past anthropogenetic influences.
The area in question is about 161 square kilometers, which is mostly hilly areas, the lowest elevation is 138 meters to the highest 343 meters, intersected by smaller watercourses (Ukrina, Radnja, Ostružnja and Ilova).
The most represented is agricultural and mining land. This area is part of the livestock-farming-fruit-growing and wine-growing region. The area of the Stanari municipality with an altitude of 138 to 343 meters above sea level has ecological conditions suitable for the development of agriculture. The moderate-continental climate with favorable soil configuration creates conditions for the development of agricultural production.